Hindi Speaking Union
(under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology
Tertiary Level Bharat Bharati Hindi Poetry Recitation Competition 2023
The Hindi Speaking Union (HSU) is organizing a Hindi Poetry Recitation Competition for students studying the language at Tertiary level.
2. Rule
(a) Open to the students taking Hindi at Tertiary Level (Uttama, Diploma, B.A, M.A, Phd )
(b) The competition will be held in two stages – Preliminaries and Finals.
(c) Maximum time allotted to a participant is 5 minutes.
(d) Only extracts from the book ‘Bharat Bharati’ written by Rastra Kavi, Maithili Sharan Gupt, will be allowed.
(e) Participants should make their own arrangements for transports.
(f) The decision of the jury appointed by the Council shall be final.
(g) Prizes:
1st Prize – Rs 5,000/- + Shield + Medal
2nd Prize– Rs 3,000/- + Shield + Medal
3rd Prize – Rs 2,000/- + Shield + Medal
A medal and a consolation prize of Rs 1,000/- will be awarded to each finalist.
All participants will receive a book as a token of participation.
The competition will be held between 9 and 19 August 2023.
The enclosed participation form should be duly filled and sent by post to
The Administrative Secretary
Hindi Speaking Union
11th Floor, Hennessy Court
Pope Hennessy Street, Port Louis
or email. on hsumauritius @hotmail.com
at latest by Friday 4 August 2023
N.B – Please note that all participants should confirm with the office of the HSU whether their participation form was received by the due date on 2087189/93
8, 9, 10 and 11 August 2023 from 09 30 hrs to 12 00 hrs
Saturday, 19 August 2023 at 13 00 hrs.
>> Bharat Bharati Hindi Poetry Recitation Competition 2023 Participation Form