
Notice is hereby given to all ordinary members of the Hindi Speaking Union of the demise of candidate RAMDENEE Dhananjay of Behind Verger School, Surinam.

Hence, the remaining candidates for the election of four (4) members to the executive council of the Hindi Speaking Union 2021 are as follows:-

1.CHOTOREEGooroodaveRishi Dayanand St., Rivière des Créoles
2.LALLBEEHARRYJaychandDahlia Lane, Ilot, D’Épinay
3.MANAROOPrithiviraj ChandranathMaheshwar Nagri Rd., 9ème Mile, Triolet
4.RUGHOOBURKamineeValton, Long Mountain
5.RAMBARUTHLalineeImp. Carbonel, Forest Side

P.Ramwodin (Mrs)

16 November 2021
Returning Officer

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